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Sept 10. Ken set the alarm for 3 a.m. when he got up and started packing up to drive through the desert. He put down the boards, and the kids continued their sleep in the car while we drove. Ate breakfast at a gas station stop. $2.50 for coffee and donuts. The battery went dry and started to smell, making Marty sick. Ken filled it with water, which helped some.
We arrived at Johnnie's about 3:00 p.m. Rita had just come home from picking up Jill from a P.J. party.
Sept 10-26. We had a wonderful time at Johnnie's. They were perfect hosts and made us feel really welcome. The kids took turns sleeping in the camper in the garage. John's kids didn't start school until the Wed. after we arrived. We drove out to Knott's Berry Farm one day and met Don there. Saw the plays, had a good time.
Ken and I went shopping for encargos quite a bit, and got most of those. We went out to Descanso Gardens for a picnic with Don, kids and Carol. I did Carol's portrait one day.

Did Rita's portrait in oil and a pastel of Jill, plus retouching an oil of theirs. Lots of fun. Wish I'd had time to do portraits of the boys.
John and Ken took the kids swimming at the ocean once. We stayed another week to go to Fred, Doris and family one evening. The wedding was very lovely. Janet and Marg were candle lighters. Leon an usher, and Carol a bridesmaid. Fred has an egg farm with 15,000 chickens.
On our last Sunday, we all drove out to the Griffith Observatory and saw a very interesting show called Sky Spectacular. Then we drove to Martin's and gabbed awhile with Lea and had hot dogs. Went back to Johnnie's and had charcoal steaks--delicious!
We finally left on Monday morning about 9:30 of Sept. 26. The fellowship with John and Rita was wonderful. We discussed many things far into the night and felt a real freedom and oneness with them.


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