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Sunday, Oct 16. Got up after a good rest and had eggs and bread for breakfast. Decided we'd drive on to a shady place beside a river to have our meeting. We drove for quite a while before finding a nice place right beside a clear stream down a steep bank beside the road. The kids had a great time down there making holes in the shallow stream for themselves. We washed out a few essentials and all took baths. What a treat. Then we had a good meeting with the Lord's Table in the car. Thank the Lord for a real working of the Holy Spirit in Gordie's heart and the others too, for confession of sin.
[Marty remembers...]Funny how much is missing from that little blip in Mom's observation. But how could
she know... This scene is the most memorable scene for me of the entire
trip because it felt to me like an awakening of the kind I'd never experienced
before. I remember Gordy crying as he prayed, and I realized he wasn't crying
to my parents or in response to anything my parents had said or done, but
rather in response to his relationship with God--that something had broken
between them, and that it was the saddest feeling a human being could have.
I think this was my first real glimpse of God as real--like Helen Keller
realizing the symbols placed in her hands stood for real things. Needless
to say, I cried as much as Gordy, and his words in prayer became my own words
of repentance--for having dismissed God as someone whose heart could be broken.

Then we drove on a little farther and stopped for the night under a tree in a mucky, weedy side of the highway. Had potato, salmon chowder for supper. Ken talked to several men who came around. 
Monday, Oct 17. The kids got milk early and we had hard bread dunked in toddy and coffee. We drove into Managua which is a lovely city. Though I was surprised o find that the famous statue of Christ is not a huge monument at all. It was terribly hot down town in front of the P.O. They didn't have any postcards, so after buying some cake and bread, we drove on to Granada. There we looked for a pension that Wayne had told Ken about, but couldn't find it. So we looked for another, which we were told about.On the way there, the car got stuck good, and it took some unhitching to get us out. We finally made it to the Terraza where we had a delicious fish dinner. But it started to rain, so we had to dash out to the car without finishing. Even then, we were stopped from leaving town by a street turned river until it subsided somewhat.

Then we drove on till we got to Lake Nicaragua and stopped off the road. Had supper of macaroni and cheese. We had a good sleep until about 3:00 a.m. when it began to rain. The rain continued till about 7:00, so we couldn't break camp til then. Finally got going about 9:00.


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