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Oct 7. Left Wycliff home after breakfast and drove to Tehuacan. Got there about supper time and surprised the Harris'. Ken hadn't seen Ron for 21 years. Renewed old acquaintance and made new. They had a party for the girls' group at church that night, so I relaxed with a magazine while Ken went to a [mers's] supper.
Oct 8. Got up early and got on the road about 8:30. Thought we'd get to Tehuantepec, but the roads are so winding that we didn't make it to Oaxaca till afternoon. So we found a trailer Court (very nice) and went downtown to the market.

Thought we'd look for leatherwork but they didn't have anything as nice as Teotihuacan. We bought a sarape after haggling over it and brought it down from 250 to 150. Had tacos in a restaurant down there and got Ronny a haircut. Took showers at the court and to bed.
Oct 9. Sunday. We'll try to make Tehuantepec today. Had breakfast at the car and got on our way about 10:00. We drove all day through winding mountain roads and finally got in to Tehuantepec about 4:30. Went to the Carlsons' place but noone was in. The car was in the yard, but noone answered. We waited around for a while and wrote cards. Then went out of town to eat by the road. Came back and parked behind the Hotel Tehuantepec. REALLY rustic. During the night it started to rain and to drip on the kids sleeping out under the round galpon. They all had to pack in with us. It was kind of a mess to get going in the morning under the rain. We finally got water in the dirty toilets. Ate under a dripping roof--peanut butter bread.


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